5 Ways to STAY Organized

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You’ve gathered tips to stay organized, created a routine and plan to stick to it. So many of us start strong with our plans yet have trouble following through for more than a few weeks or months. Getting organized can be a daunting task when we abandon our plans. 



Here are 5 ways to convert your plan from simple steps and checkboxes into habits and lifestyle: 


Great habits are formed by managing realistic expectations. As much as we try to remain organized there will be moments that test the limits of our routine and schedules. Managing realistic expectations can help us plan for those unexpected moments. Lolly Daskal suggests in a recent article on Inc.com, “[k]eep your assumptions and expectations realistic to stay unflustered in the face of the unexpected. Stay organized enough to be agile.”


Industry expert Serenity Gibbons writes for Forbes, it’s important to focus on “prioritizing those things that are the most important to achieve in both [your] professional and personal life.” To streamline your priorities, choose a short list “to focus on or you'll just be back to the idea of a to-do list. Once you have listed what is most important, you can organize everything else around those things.” The goal is to get organized beyond a list and create an organized lifestyle. 


Do you have a clear idea of what benefits will come from what you want to accomplish? Setting targets or deadlines can help you recognize the benefits staying organized will have on your productivity. Create a list of what you want to accomplish as well as what’s required to achieve it. If it’s a consistently clean kitchen, add it to the list as well as what needs to be done to make that happen regularly. 


Experts at Piccadillyinc.com suggest creating “reminders in your phone can work... For every appointment or deadline that you have – set a reminder in your phone… You can set a reminder 2 weeks before a project deadline to keep you on track, or set a reminder 30 min before a scheduled Appointment – you can tailor [reminders] to your needs.”


A benefit of getting organized is letting things go. As you inventory items you may notice items that no longer work or simply no longer fit your needs. Remember to sort items that will be donated, discarded, or sold and immediately follow through on those plans. ContentmentHealth.com recommends never allowing unnecessary items to accumulate. “With each newly organized space, fully finish the project and purge immediately. This step will not only give you a sense of finality and accomplishment, but it will ensure that your space is free of any [clutter].”


Staying organized will not happen overnight, but the process is essential to your quality of life. “Simple organization may make it easier to locate and pay household bills, or open up walkways so you can safely navigate living space,” says Chris Seman, President of Caring Transitions. “Eliminating clutter can also help increase the value of a home and make it more marketable, and can reduce moving and packing expenses” if you are preparing to move.


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